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Lusaka Water Supply Sanitation & Drainage Project
The capital city of Zambia, Lusaka, has a population of approximately two million people. Currently 70% of residents have access to treated water supply.
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Palembang Light Rail Transit System
Delivering a nation-first project is always an enormous undertaking. But when construction of the Palembang Light Rail Transit System (LRT) – the first of its kind in Indonesia – had to be accelerated to begin operations ahead of the Asian Games 2018, the challenge became even more complex.
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Tehri pumped storage plants
Tehri Pumped Storage Project
The Tehri pumped storage project (PSP) is located on the Bhagirathi River, a tributary of the Ganges River, in Uttarakhand, India. It is one of the tallest dams in the world, with a height of 260.5 meters. The Tehri PSP, will provide peaking power to the northern grid of India, improving grid stability by balancing the supply and demand of electricity (during periods of peak demand).
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Roseires Dam Heightening
More than a million acres of extra farmlands in eastern and central Sudan are now receiving gravity irrigation, a major step in meeting the demand for water supply to national farming projects.
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Shongtong Karcham Hydroelectric Project
As power demand outstrips supply in India, the need for further development of hydroelectric plants has intensified. Located in the north of the country, with the capacity to supply clean and renewable energy for more than 800,000 households, the 450MW Shongtong Karcham Hydroelectric project was initiated under a Clean Power Development program. Not only will the project provide affordable power to the residents of Himachal Pradesh, it will also export excess power to other states within India.
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Urban Water & Sanitation Project
The Government of Sri Lanka implemented the Urban Water & Sanitation Project to improve water supply and sanitation in four districts of north and northwest Sri Lanka, namely Chilaw, Puttalam, Mannar and Vavuniya. 
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Water Management Improvement Project
The objective of the Water Management Improvement Project (WMIP) is to improve irrigation service and water management in the nation of Kyrgyzstan. This project will help to increase productivity of irrigated agriculture, generate sustainable long-term growth, and improve national water resources governance.
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SMART Tunnel Project
The Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) is a storm drainage and road structure located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At 11 km, it is the longest stormwater tunnel in South East Asia and has helped to mitigate flooding problems in the city centre.
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Water Resources Strategic Action Plan
SMEC’s Strategic Action Plan for the KYB identified more than 100 recommended projects to be undertaken over the next 25 years to increase water security and sustainability. This plan is critical to planning the environmentally sustainable use of water resources while also meeting the needs of communities who face land degradation, vulnerability to climate changes, and water scarcity.
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Reko Diq Mine
Located in the Chaghi District of Balochistan in Pakistan, Reko Diq is a large copper and gold deposit containing 12.3 million tons of copper and 20.9 million ounces of gold in inferred and indicated resources.
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