SMEC was appointed to undertake a feasibility study and prepare detailed designs for a gas to energy plant for the generation of electricity from methane, generated at the Dandora sewage treatment plant (STP).
The feasibility study showed that electricity generated from methane gas emissions could be used by the Dandora STP and excess energy exported to the grid. The technical approach identified that collection of combustible biogas (methane) from the anaerobic ponds and the generation of electricity using gas turbines was technically and economically viable. The economic analysis showed that significant economic savings would benefit the client and reduce odours at the Dandor STP.
Prior to this project
The effluent from the treatment plant, which is discharged into Nairobi River for reuse, currently did not meet required quality standards due to overloading.
With ongoing expansion of the Nairobi sewerage network, which increases the sewage loads and urbanization making it difficult to acquire adequate land for construction of waste stabilization ponds, it became important to find innovative ways to increase sewerage treatment capacity with final effluent attaining the WHO quality standards while also recovering the valuable energy from the gases released during breakdown of the organic loading.
Nairobi, Kenya
Athi Water Services Board