In preparation for the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games planning discussions have commenced between all levels of Government, Brisbane City Council and the International Olympics Committee.

Planning will play a vital role in ensuring the Games are inclusive, sustainable and leave a long-term positive legacy. Proudly sponsored by SMEC, Engineers Australia’s recent Thought Leadership webinar ‘Engineering the Olympics, transport and accessibility’ explored the important of strategically planning for a seamless and accessible transport network that will support the Games and South-East Queensland community for the future.


Planning will play a vital role in ensuring the Games are inclusive, sustainable and leave a long-term positive legacy. Proudly sponsored by SMEC, Engineers Australia’s recent Thought Leadership webinar ‘Engineering the Olympics, transport and accessibility’ explored the important of strategically planning for a seamless and accessible transport network that will support the Games and South-East Queensland community for the future.


The discussion featured industry leading speakers Nick Morris (Director – Morris Goding Access) and Tim Cupitt (SMEC – Team Leader Transport Planning).

Seamless Transport: The key to a great games and region

The International Olympic Committee highlighted that Host Cities with established and efficient public transport systems deliver more successful Games, that support the Games and additionally leave long-lasting legacies across generations.

For example – During the 2012 London Olympic Games spectators and competitors were able to easily utilise London’s mature and well-developed public transport network with connecting trains, buses, metro, light rail and underground rail services to travel around the Games venues. London’s multiple modes of connecting transport and easy transfers is considered a seamless transport system.


Seamless transport systems take a customer-focused approach, considering the end-users requirements through ensuring the overall journey experience is simple, legible and flexible. Delivering a seamless transport system that aligns with the long term strategy for the region will require taking an objective led (top down ) approach. The upcoming 2032 Brisbane Games and more broadly South-East Queensland will benefit from such an approach and realise the long term goals of the region.


A seamless transport system is where any physical, financial, or service provider exchanges within a journey (or changes in virtual space) are imperceptible to the user”
— Tim Culpitt, SMEC Team Leader – Transport Planning

The role of accessibility in a seamless transport system

A core component of creating a seamless transport network is accessibility. Accessibility provides end-users with easy access to key services such as education, employment, goods and retail.

Additionally, end-users can have accessibility needs such as vision, hearing, mobility, wheelchair, intellectual/mental illness, fatigue, illness or injury, families, ageing adults, large or short stature, drugs or alcohol, emergency or service personnel that need to be considered throughout transport planning.

Accessibility needs have become broader to include and support everyone, regardless of an individual’s accessibility need all end-users should have the same seamless and easy transport experience.

Terminology is changing, broadening accessibility to include all people, everyone has an accessibility need”
— Nick Morris, Director – Morris Goding Access

How can we improve South-East Queensland’s transport experience?

South-East Queensland are transitioning from a radial monocentric public transport network with all services linking to the Brisbane CBD to a more polycentric ‘trunk and feeder service’ that relies on multiple modes of transport connecting at various terminals, allowing for easy transfers.

Further improvements are required to assist in this transition, whilst also ensuring accessibility needs are considered throughout.

Necessary improvements include:

  • Taking a data-driven approach to maximise transport connections and transfers with minimal wait periods
  • Accessibility audits – reviewing existing infrastructure and recommending enhancements
  • Leveraging technology – adopting autonomous public transport and account – based ticketing systems, facilitating a regularly updated journey planner that links all transport modes
  • Developing Universal Design principles and strategies
  • Ensuring accessible toilets, rest seating, water services, legible infrastructure and signage and provided throughout the transport network


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