The SMEC Foundation is excited to announce ten exciting projects and initiatives for 2023. Our new projects will span eight countries, with a strong focus on education, health, environment, and sustainability.

We are delighted to help our Divisional CSR Committees supplement their initiatives and would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge each Divisional CSR Committees’ efforts in undertaking these projects in 2023.



Together with our charity partner So They Can and SMEC alumni partners Busbridge Family, the Foundation aims to support access to safe, effective, and quality healthcare services at local primary schools in Kenya. These projects include classroom construction and essential school supplies for a safe and engaging learning environment and new toilet facilities for early childhood and special needs education students.



Also in Kenya, an electricity solution project will provide stable power for outpatient and maternity departments at a local clinic. While in Uganda, alongside Followings Foundation and SMEC alumni partner Ross Hitt, a purpose-built learning centre will have programs refurbished and a computer lab expanded.


The SMEC Foundation will also work alongside BridgIT Water Foundation and the McKendrick Family to refurbish existing wells surrounding the Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve. It will also build community understanding of the importance of protecting wildlife by introducing awareness programs to help the community understand how important it is to reduce wildlife trafficking, particularly elephants, highlighting the social and economic benefits derived from working with the animal population.



The Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation runs an orangutan rehabilitation centre in Samboja Lestari in East Kalimantan; however, this centre has been identified as being located within the development area of a new capital city.


SMEC’s expertise will assist in delivering evidence through habitat and biodiversity survey assessments that reforestation and biodiversity from the site have been successful and have a more positive impact on the environment than other forms of land use. This assessment will be a key reference in development discussions about the implementation of the new capital city with Government and community stakeholders.



Our charity partner, WaterAid and SMEC alumni partner Ids Groenhout will together with the Foundation, assist district health staff to improve the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services at a rural healthcare facility in Manufahi, Timor-Leste. The WASH upgrades and support provided to the healthcare facility staff will improve essential cleaning and hand hygiene behaviours to ensure quality and safe care of rural community members.



Through the resilient, inclusive, and sustainable Eastern Nepal (RISEN) project, the SMEC Foundation and Habitat for Humanity will enhance the disaster resilience of communities in the area. This will be implemented through increasing community awareness and preparedness via knowledge sharing and planning, as well as improving government policies and practices related to disaster preparedness and the construction of safe houses. Additionally, the project focuses on providing disaster-resilient housing interventions specifically tailored to the most vulnerable individuals within these communities.


With Action on Poverty, the Foundation will support the renovation and advancement of health and rehabilitation facilities will be undertaken in the Sunamganj district, Bangladesh. This project will enable easier access to low-cost healthcare by improving the standard of hospital services available to local people.



In 2020, the SMEC Foundation contributed to the construction of Harivillu 2 through The Anganwadi Project (TAP), a preschool in India that is successfully operating and serving many disadvantaged children and pregnant mothers in the community. Building on the success of that collaboration, a third preschool will be designed and built.


We look forward to once again working with our charity partners and SMEC alumni on these initiatives, as we aim to address the pressing challenges and pave the way for a brighter future for the local communities we serve.