SMEC has been appointed as Contract Management and Construction Supervision Consultant to implement the Accra East Water Loss Reduction project which aims to reduce NRW through a Performance-Based Contract (PBC) model.

The overall target of this project is to save 23,000 m³/day of Non-Revenue Water by December 2024.


Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) faces significant financial losses due to high levels of Non-Revenue Water (NRW). Subsequently GWCL and the World Bank identified the Accra East Region to implement the Water Loss Reduction project. In addition to reducing water losses, the PBC model aims to increase revenue for Ghana Water Company Limited whilst improving network efficiency and service standards.


SMEC will assist GWCL with PBC procurement and then act as the client representative through each phase of the project, monitoring the performance of the PBC contractor.

SMEC is looking forward to applying our knowledge in Non-Revenue Water solutions to help the Ghana Water Company and the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources achieve its vision of ‘sustainable water and basic sanitation for all’ by 2025. A sustainable water supply requires an efficient operations and maintenance system. This project will introduce a performance-based approach to water loss management, aiming to enhance the reliability of water supply in the Accra East Region.
— Douglas Coleman, Acting Regional Manager, West Africa

The project is being sponsored by the Ghana Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources which recently received additional financing from the International Development Association as part of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project.


Thumb nail and banner photo: Aerial photo of Weija Dam Accra Ghana, Samuel Sefa. Weija Dam is a dam on the Densu River which supports the main water treatment plant for Accra in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. It is operated by the Ghana Water Company. This supplies about 80 percent of the potable water for the entire city of Accra and its surrounding environs.