SpeakUp FAQ's - SMEC


Ask SMEC a Question
If you have a genuine concern relating to integrity, don't ignore it; let us know. You could prevent a potentially serious situation from harming you, our organisation or others. Usually, the best place to start is by seeking advice on your concern. You can ask a question anonymously and confidentially via AskSMEC.

There are four easy steps

  1. Access SpeakUp SMEC
    Access SpeakUp SMEC by the Governance page of our website, click on ‘Report to SMEC’.
  2. Create your safe inbox
    Creating an inbox allows you to send reports anonymously and stay in touch with a Case Manager/WIO.
    Please be aware that due to local laws and regulations in some countries where anonymity is not an option, you may be asked to provide your name and details. This will be done once your Case Manager/WIO has assessed your report.
  3. Send your report
    It is important to provide as much information as you can, this will assist us in our investigation.
  4. Follow up on your report
    You can return to the site any time after submitting your report for an update, using your Report ID and password to access the report or contact your Case Manager/WIO.
SpeakUP SMEC is operated by an independent, external organisation called Whispli. Whispli is used to report and communicate anonymously with organisations like SMEC Group.
No, your IP address is deleted every single time and never stored on Whispli’s servers or logs. Whispli is contractually committed not to pursue a reporter’s identity. We recommend you use private browsing mode, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and/or Tor browser.
We will review your question and if further clarification is needed, we will contact you through the anonymous safe inbox that you will be asked to create. If we have concerns with your disclosure, we may ask you to make a report or may convert your question into a report. We will provide you with guidance on the next steps in our response to you. If you have used AskSMEC you can access your safe inbox to check for any updates or further questions we may have for you.

You should only report concerns that you have reasonable grounds to suspect concerns the following reportable misconduct:

  • A breach of SMEC Group policy or procedure, including the Business Integrity Policy and Code of Conduct
  • An improper statement in relation to financial reporting or accounting requirements or practices, including impeding internal or external audit processes
  • Unethical behaviour
  • Illegal behaviour or violation of the law
  • A fraudulent practice or embezzlement
  • A dishonest statement
  • Inappropriate workplace behaviour (bullying, harassment, discrimination)
  • Falsification of documents, accounting and financial records
  • A suspicious transaction (money laundering, sanctions)
  • Misuse of position and authority
  • Misuse of company information and property
  • Endangering health or safety, the environment or property
  • Act of collusion with a competitor
  • This reporting avenue should not be used for:
  • Customer service complaints or enquiries
  • Project enquiries
  • Personal grievances

A report can be made by any individual who is, or has been, a director, employee, secondee, contractor, consultant, supplier, service provider (or their employee or subcontractor), volunteer, licensee (or its authorised representative or their employee), or auditor of, or working with SMEC Group.
When you submit a report, a Whistleblowing Investigation Officer (WIO) independent of the relevant business involved will be assigned to your report. The WIO may require additional information to investigate your report. If so, the WIO will contact you via your safe inbox. Depending on the complexity of the report made, some investigations may take time to complete.
We endeavor to acknowledge your report within five (5) business days. We may also have follow-up questions in order to investigate the matter further. For confidentiality reasons, details of the investigation or outcome may not be shared with you.
Yes, you will be classified as a whistle blower and have access to the whistleblower rights and protections. The term "Whistle-blower" is used generally to refer to employees or past employees of SMEC or its suppliers who report suspected prohibited conduct on reasonable grounds.

Your identity will be treated as confidential and sensitive.

If you had disclosed your identity (or any information which would be likely to identify you) while asking a question or making a report, it will only be shared if:

  • you give your consent to share that information;
  • it is reasonably necessary to disclose information which would be likely to identify you (but not your identity) for the purposes of investigating misconduct; or
  • the disclosure is allowed or required by law (for example, disclosure to a lawyer to get legal advice relating to the law on whistleblowing).
We encourage you to only make a report when other channels of communication are unavailable or have been exhausted or do not appear to be appropriate, and there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the information concerns reportable misconduct that has occurred, is occurring or may occur.
You can use SpeakUP SMEC to make an anonymous report, with all information treated as confidential.

We encourage you to ask questions about whether a scenario or situation amounts to reportable misconduct, as it helps us improve in our guidance and it also provides you with a better understanding of our policies and procedures.

However, it is important for you to be aware that making intentionally false allegations or frivolous reports through any channel could result in disciplinary action or may be a serious legal matter and prohibited by law in many countries.

This is because when a report of reportable misconduct is made, we may be required to immediately notify relevant law enforcement agencies.

Additionally, because we treat all reports with the same level of urgency, we will be compelled to invest resources investigating a false report that could have been better utilised in investigating genuine concerns.

Investigations will follow due process, including allowing alleged persons involved an opportunity to respond.

We are committed to providing an environment where no person is subjected to retaliation or victimisation for reporting or escalating genuine concerns of suspected misconduct, or cooperating in an investigation.

If you fear retaliation or have been subject to retaliation, kindly refer to the Whistle-Blowing Procedure. Our Whistleblowing Procedure provides guidance on how you can be protected.

SpeakUP SMEC is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Please note, this is not an emergency service. If an event presents an immediate threat to life or property, please contact your local emergency services.
You can find our Whistleblowing Procedure, Code of Conduct and Business Integrity Policy here.