2022 SMEC Foundation Annual Report

2022 delivered more challenges than anyone could have anticipated. The post-COVID period provided some relief, but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine produced many ongoing side-effects, especially food shortages and price inflation, as well as a complex mix of political tensions.


Climate change added to the issues facing developing countries. Cyclones, floods and fires resulted in massive dislocation to communities. We witnessed many towns and villages being ravaged by abnormal weather patterns. Providing support and relief at these times has challenged the international development community to levels previously not witnessed.


The SMEC Foundation will respond to these challenges, but our impact is limited compared to the massive issues so many disadvantaged communities are facing. As always, we will continue to direct our limited resources to provide an uplift to living standards in communities where we can truly make a difference.


The SMEC Foundation’s blend of cash grants to Australian DGR charities, augmented by SMEC Divisional funds and the enthusiastic commitment of our people is a proud combination that few Australian corporations can deliver.


SMEC Foundation programs continue to be directed to projects in the Indo-Pacific and Africa. We are proud to have established excellent working relationships with 23 trusted charity partners. We take this opportunity to recognise the ongoing role these charities play in delivering essential services in education, water supply, roads and health.   


During 2022 several SMEC alumni and their families have joined with us in co-funding projects. This level of support has significantly extended our efforts and created a powerful project delivery model. The Foundation Board sincerely thanks these donors for their active engagement in our programs.


SMEC staff identify philanthropic opportunities in their operational area. They provide valuable advice and support throughout delivery of a project. SMEC staff are a crucial element in the Foundation’s operations.


A small, but critical Foundation activity is the Emergency Relief Assistance program. This fund provides instant cash in hand to SMEC staff who have been affected by natural disasters. The cash can be used for items such as shelter, water, food, medicines, baby formula and other essentials when disaster strikes. This fund relies on cash donations from SMEC staff, often through social and other events to ensure the fund remains well supported.


We look forward to another year of helping communities in need.


Roger Bayliss
Chairman, SMEC Foundation


